Cowgirl, Rand Rodeo Arena in Dolph. Photo by Cayla Blanchard.
Our next photography contest will begin in October 2025.
Enter Our Arkansas Living Photo Contest!
Arkansas Living seeks your breathtaking photos that showcase the year-round beauty of The Natural State.
Winners will have their photos printed in our January 2025 issue — and maybe even on the magazine cover!
Submission guidelines:
- Photos can feature nature, wildlife/animals, landscapes, weather, flowers and structures
- Photos can be vertical or horizontal
- Photos can be from any time, not necessarily this year
- Photos must be high-resolution (300 dpi) and .JPG format
- Each photo file name must contain the following information: Photographer Name_Title of Photo_Location of Where Photo Was Taken. (Example: Ansel Adams_Starry Night_Pinnacle Mtn.jpeg)
- Please do not include people in your photos unless you have permission from those photographed
- Photos with photographer watermarks will not be accepted
- Photos that are generated by artificial intelligence (AI) will not be accepted
- Choose ONE topic category that best describes your photo from the selection
- Please submit photos by Nov. 1, 2025
Arkansas Living reserves the right to use submitted photos for the magazine, website, social media and other published pieces by the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas with photographer credit.
If you have trouble uploading photos, please try using a different browser like Chrome and/or make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser.