
“Jack Frost nipping at your nose” is better sung than experienced. Here are some winter safety tips from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Adults and children should wear: a hat; a scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth; sleeves snug at the wrist; mittens (they are warmer than gloves); water-resistant coat and boots; and several layers of loose-fitting clothing (like a cotton inner layer, a wool or fleece insulation layer plus a water-and-wind-resistant outer layer).
- Remove extra layers of clothing whenever you feel too warm. Excess sweating causes the body to lose more heat.
- Stay dry. Wet clothing chills the body quickly.
- Don’t ignore shivering. Constant shivering is a sign that it is time to go inside.
- Know hypothermia symptoms: shivering, exhaustion/tiredness, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech and drowsiness. In babies, signs include bright red, cold skin, and very low energy.
- Know frostbite symptoms: loss of feeling in nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers and toes; white or grayish-yellow skin areas; and skin that feels unusually firm or waxy; and numbness.
- Get medical attention immediately if you suspect hypothermia or frostbite.